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Southern Adelaide GetUp! Action Group - next meeting

Existing and new members very welcome. The main focus will be issues, actions and strategies for the March SA state election. Alternatively we'll discuss a potential South Australian training event next year. 

New members: we will value your wisdom and your actions in the weeks leading up to the election. 

After the recent YES for marriage equality, and the election results in Qld which we all hope is the end of Adani, we now know we can greatly influence change in Australia!
January 09, 2018
6:30pm - 8pm
"Room with GetUp! sign outside it", off Humanities courtyard,
Humanities Road off Ring Rd Flinders Uni (off Flinders Dve off Sturt Rd)
Bedford Park, SA 5042
David Everett · · 0408708448
Noleen Hausler Jo Cate

Will you come?