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Melbourne Inner North Groups Meeting

At the moment, the GetUp Inner North Action Group covers the electorates of  Melbourne, Batman and Wills. This group formed at the beginning of 2017 and have been meeting monthly, as well as holding regular campaign events.

Given how many active GetUp members there are in these three electorates, core members of the existing Inner North Action Group are proposing that this group splits into three electorates, joining up with new members from PowerUp, to form three new action groups. On top of this, the Inner North Group is proposing that the three groups form the GetUp Inner North Alliance to develop and maintain strong connections across the three electorates.

Come along to this meeting to be part of the discussion and get involved with the new electorate-based groups!

There will be an all-in session at the beginning to confirm people are happy to go ahead with this proposal, followed by breakouts into electorate groups, and rounded up by a discussion about how an Inner North Alliance could look. 

Hope to see you there!

October 08, 2017
2pm - 5pm
Red Room, Multicultural Hub
506 Elizabeth St
Melbourne 3000
Sarah Langmore ·
Ailene Hewitt Barry Coley Kevin Brennan Anne Learmonth Rod Whitfield Zebedee Nicholls Sarah Langmore Kajute O'Riordan Matt McDonell Anthea Gannon

Will you come?