Dickson is Peter Dutton's electorate.
In the lead up to the next federal election GetUp! is surveying voters re: their issues as a method to increase community awareness in preparation for a further campaign during the election period to (hopefully) unseat Mr Dutton.
The goal is to make 30,000 calls into this electorate - so far 20,000 have been made.
Join us in doing our part in changing things in this highly symbolic electorate.
In the lead up to the next federal election GetUp! is surveying voters re: their issues as a method to increase community awareness in preparation for a further campaign during the election period to (hopefully) unseat Mr Dutton.
The goal is to make 30,000 calls into this electorate - so far 20,000 have been made.
Join us in doing our part in changing things in this highly symbolic electorate.