In this training, you'll learn how to write an effective letter to your local Member of Parliament.
We know the solutions we need to secure a safe, thriving future; what’s missing is politicians’ courage to act. Liberal party MPs are breaking ranks to demand our government protect the people and places we love, but we need many more if Morrison’s going to take them seriously.
Why write MP letters? Because for every hand-written letter they receive, an MP assumes one hundred people in their electorate feel the same.
What: Letter Writing Training
When: 7pm-9pm, Monday 10 February
Where: Online! Simply sign up for a link to join the call
RSVP: Sign up using the form on this page
We’ll run you through how to:
- identify your MP on a spectrum of support
- make a clear ask
- structure your letter
- write a moving personal story
We highly encourage letter writing party hosts to attend this training.