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Stop Adani Irish Session

The GetUp! Macquarie Action Group will be participating in the Stop Adani Irish Session this Valentines day  at the historic Windsor markets.

Hosted by the Stop Adani Hawkesbury and Blue Mountains groups, it'll be a fantastic opportunity to meet other activists from the area.

No speeches, just bringing trad good times and a gentle reminder on climate action to the folks of the Hawkesbury.

If you want to join in with the music just bring a chair. It will be a jam in the style of a traditional Irish session.

Afterwards we may be heading to the Macquarie Arms Hotel.

Details are at

Hope to see you there!!

February 14, 2021
10am - 11:30am
Windsor Mall Markets
George Street
Windsor, NSW 2756
Crispin Rock ·
Crispin Rock Sandra Kelly Lu Szuhyta

Will you come?