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Climate Justice Sydney Mid-West Social Night

2020 has been a devastating year for us. From the bushfires earlier this year to a global pandemic that has seen severe changes to life as we know it, it's important that we take time to rest, relax and recover.

This is why we are hosting an online trivia night & meetup with GetUp members in the Sydney Mid-West area on Friday 31st July at 7pm. 

Join us for a fun, relaxing evening where we'll test our knowledge on Fiona Martin, political theory and all things clean energy in an exciting game of trivia!
SIGN UP NOW and you'll receive a zoom link when you RSVP
If you are looking for more ways to take meaningful, political action to create a society that values people over profits and clean energy over fossil fuels, then our group is perfect for you. We are so much stronger when we work together - so let's meet and spend time getting to know eachother! 
Here are the details:
What: Climate Justice Sydney Mid-West Online Trivia and Meetup
When: Friday 31st July 2020 at 7pm
Where: Zoom - you will get sign-in details after you register!
July 31, 2020
7pm - 8pm
Sydney, NSW
Max Jensen ·
Andy Lu Susan Hinkelthein Patrick Dunstan

Will you come?