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Ipswich Action Group - Calling Party - 26th

This Federal Election GetUp staff and volunteers across the country are working to unseat the most hard right members of our parliament. Members who are blocking progressive policies and stopping us from setting the agenda we want in our politics.

Ipswich Action Group is joining the movement to make voter contact calls into Peter Dutton's electorate of Dickson! We will be contributing to 100 000 calls into Dickson!! Backing in the work of Door-knockers on the ground and making sure the Dutton's toxic politics are not in our parliament after this federal election!!

Join us to take action, to make a tangible difference and connect with like-minded people in our electorate. 
All you need is a phone and headphones are helpful if you have them. We will provide training, help you use the tool and provide guides and what you need to have a great experience!
April 26, 2019
1pm - 3pm
Humanities Centre
56 S Street Ipswich QLD Australia
Ipswich, QLD 4305
Mary Busteed · · 434810299

Will you come?