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Homelessness Meeting: Manly

As Peter Mares explains in his book No Place Like Home, the current housing crisis has resulted from a complex interaction of systemic factors. Chief amongst them is the fact that the provision of social and affordable housing has decreased markedly since the 1980's. Consequently homelessness has increased dramatically since then.

In this meeting, the provision of services for the homeless on the Northern Beaches will be explained and a working group created to lobby council and state government for funds, land and new sustainable, well built, mixed community housing.

With speakers Daniel Peterson, Manager, Homeless Services, Community Northern Beaches and Kevin Kingsbeer, Program Manager, Homelessness Services, Mission Australia.

What: A meeting to explain and address homelessness on the Northern Beaches
When: 6.15 for 6.30-8pm, 7 November 2019
Where: Community Northern Beaches, 12 Wentworth Street, Manly. 
Who: All welcome! 

November 07, 2019
6:15pm - 7:45pm
Community Northern Beaches
12 Wentworth St
Manly, NSW 2095
Richard Walker ·
Vicky Simister Debra Hade Graham Cowley Richard Walker Lynne Collett Sue Denham Julie Bakalor

Will you come?