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GetUp Sydney-Grayndler Monthly MeetUp 3rd October

Can you join us at our Action Group's big Monthly MeetUp on Wednesday 3rd October, at 6pm at the Quaker Hall, Surry Hills? 

At this meeting our group will: 
  • Meet our Redfern #StopAdani organiser, Jason
  • Recruit our Future to Fight For presenters
  • Find out about the Wentworth by-election campaign
  • Sign up to the next calling training session
  • And last, but not least - rehearse the street theatre for our massive Stop Adani Tea Party! 
New and returning members welcome :) Coffee and cake for all! See you there!
October 03, 2018
6pm - 8pm
The Quaker Hall
119 Devonshire Street Surry Hills NSW Australia
Surry Hills, New South Wales 2010
Louise Newey · · 400489863
Denis Moore jane fissenden Julio Rosenblatt

Will you come?