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Rally at Empire’s fracking AGM

Join us on Tuesday 28 May to protest outside fracking corporation Empire Energy’s Annual General Meeting.

For over a decade Traditional Owners have been fighting to protect water, Country and the climate from fracking in the Northern Territory. Right now Empire Energy has plans to frack across the NT and Traditional Owners have not given consent. 

Together, we’ll make our voices heard as shareholders, investors and board members head into the AGM, and support Traditional Owners going into the AGM to send a clear message that there’s no consent for fracking. 

We’ll then march to APA Group’s office to protest their plans to build a huge gas pipeline across the NT to the east coast.

What: Rally at Empire Energy’s AGM and march through the city to protest APA – gas pipeline building – Group
When: 8:30am, Tuesday 28 May
Where: 10 Spring Street, marching to 580 George Street, Sydney city.
Who: Join Traditional Owners from the Beetaloo Basin in the NT alongside GetUp, AYCC, 350, Lock the Gate, Move Beyond Coal and Market Forces.

Join us to hold Empire Energy shareholders and the board to account and call on the  Albanese Government to listen to Traditional Owners – don’t frack the NT!

May 28, 2024
8:30am - 10:30am
10 Spring Steet, Sydney
Donna Carey Rick Shepherd Karmen Lehn Fiona Coogan Timothy Bottoms Katja Jezewski Brian Mahony Robyn Gilbert Stav Zotalis Greg Forster Hugh Vaughan Jennifer Medway AlexOonagh Redmond John English Cathy Gill Leonard Lynch Gerry Constantinou Heidrun Lohr Christine Jinga Colm Sutton Patricia Giannotto Barbara Dutton Stuart Lawrence Ana Warnecke Winnie Fu Peter Krinks Bronwyn Vost Liesje Barratt

Will you come?